Pjotr Sapegin’s Madama Butterfly

The short film of  "Pjotr Sapegin’s Madama Butterfly" was interesting to say the least. What i took from the short film, was that life can change at the blink of the eye.

Initially, the film starts with a very romantic and ideal relationship scene. Wild sex, loving memories, all inclusive time with your significant other. In a world full of joy and excitement, everything may seem perfectly orchestrated together, however, life is a cycle that changes consistently.

Through it all, the idea "evolution of life"  was notably prevalent. The Butterfly throughout the film was interesting to say the least. I believe the butterfly signified a plethora of different things. Life as it evolves, life alone, the different obstacles, accomplishments, and failures of life, plus the cycle of life through existence.

Furthermore, the film added a great element of opera instrumentation. The music itself was soothing and complimented the actual film footage, from a different perspective. The music incorporated a sense of feeling, it incorporated a feeling of fulfillment, adding a great element to a perfect picture.

I honestly can say, the film was good in it's nature. It satisfied me visually, the audio soothed me cohesively with the motion picture. It almost felt like a place of solitude. The butterfly continuously appeared through the progressions of different scenes. It signified to me, different chapters, different obstacles, and different aspects of life. The good, when she was happily in love at the beginning of the film. The not so good, when her significant other set sail to sea. The climax and changing of life with a daughter. The togetherness, with the boyfriend in the beginning, the memories and chapters with the daughter, and in retrospect the husband and his new family. Then there was the bad. When reality set in, life was nothing that it seemed, life is a big dream, things change persistently. The good can turn the bad, just as well as the bad turning to the good.

To conclude, loneliness is the ultimate feeling i revived from the film. The opening scene as well as the closing scenes, indicate the feeling of isolation. The world can be both good, beautiful, and appealing, yet the world can also be dark, dis-heartening, and cruel.


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