
Showing posts from September, 2018

Artist Research- (Cory Arcangel)

Artist Statement: " Hello! I am an artist and entrepreneur living and working in Stavanger, Norway. This is my internet home. I tend to make alot of stuff - web, fine art, music, etc, etc - and on this site I have tried my best to organize it as well as I can so u all can take a look! It’s updated very very very sporadically, by me(!), so if something isn’t here, please stop by in a few months / years, & maybe it will have shown up! I’m trying my best!" Favorite Aspect of his works: Creation Title: "Arcangel Surfware Flagship" A bit confused at what exactly i was looking at initially, however turns out that this is a store that this mans has launched. It's a flagship store, where you can purchase items that he produces, view some of his creations, his brand, and more. This is by far the most eye-catching thing to me, simply because he did this all by himself with the help a few. It's incredible to market and brand your

Project 2 Proposal

Project 2 Proposal  For this particular project, I’m going to do something similar to the concept of what I did for my first project. I intend to project some videos of sunset scenery onto the black curtain canvas/ wall canvas, to give it a skyline type theme. The purpose of this is to show people the different aspects of life, in relations to the phrase "Good Kid, Mad City"/ however my twist will be "Big Kid, Small City." The reason I want to make this an important message to the communities, is to remind people , that society shouldn't dictate who you want to be or who you are. I think it would be interesting, more so fun to do because it enlightens, informs, and encourages, those who lack the social confidence or inspiration to do what they aspire to do in life. It's more so a meditative thing and approach. (More so seclusion or isolation) *Not Me*   Me doing this project  brings  attention to the norm of society that people overlook, yet also

Progress Update (2)

I ve narrowed down the track list for the sound aspect of my project, which will be original creations by myself. 3 different tracks to add a different element, for the particular emotion being portrayed Track-List 1. Orange Marmalade Sauce 2.Manifestations From the Abyss

Progress Update (1)

After a very intense back in forth with my roommate, on which items to project on, i’ve Come to the conclusion of a Framed Picture, Marilyn Monroe Picture, and the 3rd item is TBD. AS OF NOW THE VIDEOS THAT I AM CONSTRUCTING WILL project directly on to these 3 different items, in hopes of seeing 3 different perspectives, of what people think of life. The 3rd projection item will possibly be a student sitting in a chair. However, the 3 different elements represents the 3 different mediums that people can endure through the duration of life, that a human being can potentially experience in a certain chapter in life. Happy, In the Median, or Sad.

Artist Statement (Mac Miller)

Defining yourself in society is something that can be challenging and hard to do at times. Different climates, different people, different medians, different people etc . All underlying factors that pave a pivotal way in deciding what character it is you want to be in life, what kind of person you inspire to be, what you want  and expect to do with your life. Many get consumed by the real-world, UN-expectantly and do not know what to do, some embrace it and flourish, others live in solitude, in the shadows of the dark expressing how they truly feel to one's self . My piece "Mac Miller" is intended to express and show  the standards of what society accepts you to be and secondly the demeaning behaviors that many do not express due to certain stipulations. As humans in society, one must come to realization that, it's okay to be going through things, it's okay to hide your feelings, it's okay to be original, be unique. What's not okay is to have an issue, y

Chapter 1 Reflection/ Project Proposal

Project #1 Proposal My project will be called, "Mac Miller” displaying the various and general connotations/ natures of people who suffer from a sense of Hopelessness. The characteristics of being alone, being depressed, suffering from anxiety, sell-shock in relations to people, and more For the project, I want to keen in and focus on the things that you may not notice immediately of an individual until further analyzation and or conversation revealing some type of condition. Using Mirrors, Videos, or Portraits, I intend to display what a lot of people shy away from in the depths of seclusion. A true reality of suffering internally, but being unable to convey these things to friends, family, or the appropriate medical teams. The (3) mirrors that I intend to use will represent (3)different cases of different individuals. To the keen eye, the average person would never know that something is wrong with a person, unless specifically signified by an indication of sorts. There

Chapter 2 Reflection (Claire Bishop Installation Art)

In a nutshell chapter 2 was pretty short and engulfed with a majority of pictures. Pretty dry in nature, but intriguing, with the facts about history. The chapter focused solely on "Perception." Perception to me, is someone's standpoint or view in relations to art, in this instance. It talks about what the viewers feel and how they react based on their "perception". Minimalism was concentrated around and centered around a male movement. Interestingly, the west coast is by far the origins and era for art-making The Chapter did mention how the flickering of lights are perceived and interpenetrated through your brain. Through your brain, it processes the light at motion and flickering of the lights. Theorist from France incorporated the idea of self, ego, one's "self". Interestingly, it was cool that one installation can be pretty immersive. There was a good balance and explanation about how perception can alter in relations to one's min

Artist Research (M. Fujihata)

Artist Research’ Artist: Masaki Fujihata Born: Tokyo 1956 Favorite Art Piece:  “Voices of Aliveness” the ability to bridge real space, cyberspace, or and the network space. The main focus is to express your life, our aliveness; Overall take from it is how we can make a collective collage of   digital memories. Surprisingly, this is a random pic of artist, however a very solid individual. Fujihata’s works infused the idea of the newer technologies in correlation to interactive arts, v/r, and networking. Fujihata focused on seeing the essential importance of the specific art pieces and its construction. Intrigued by humans and their ability to communicate with others, was a fundamental area of focus. perception and awareness are 2 of the primary ideas and concepts that he keened on and grew inspiration through his art. Influenced heavily on the origins of his birth, he has received numerous awards, notably his award from the Ministry of Education in the Art Encouragem

About Me

Hello, First off, i want to start off by saying that it will be a great semester. I look forward to working and growing with all of (you) my peers. I am a senior, majoring in New Media Production. Set to graduate in May of Spring 19', my plans are to move to Vegas and then California to pursue a career or job in the music and entertainment industry. I make music and produce music on my free time. It's been a hobby of mine since a little kid and now alot of plans are in rotation for me and my music career. I served 8 years active duty in the United States Air Force working with a Special Forces/Operations Unit. With numerous deployments under my belt it is safe to say, that I've seen more then your average American. I'm a pretty laid back individual, i'm an athlete, i'm a business professional and take everything i do in life serious. I tend to resonate and cultivate with people, simply because i love engagement and most importantly I love people. From the cl