
Showing posts from July, 2018

Rotoscope Project

For this project I took a non-traditional route. I decided to do my Rotoscope with intentions of capturing the visual aesthetics of the eyes. I decided to work on a family project for my younger nephew. The actual footage is him simply dancing while out for a night of bowling. He's a star in the making, a energy burst, and a lovable little fellow. Of course I decided to use vibrant colors in conjunction with black and white to add some "flash" some life to the actual short animation. The colors represent emotion, feeling, and more essentially being expressed throughout the animation. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Roto-scoping is one of my favorite things to do. Despite it being very tedious and attentive, it helps the overall completion of the project. With not to much to consider or mess up on, re-creating an image in your own view is always phenomenal.

Bouncing Ball Animation

The art piece I chose to do with  was one that should inspire many. At first I had no idea of what I wanted to do. I thought about a plain bouncy ball screen. , but how can I can I make a piece and put a twist on it.. In class I brainstormed and came to the conclusion, why not making something I enjoy and other people enjoy. Got it, easy pickings. Once I figured the first portion out of what we I going to do, I pitched the idea to my consensus and the rest........ well the rest you can watch here:

GFx Animation Intro Blog

Hello, My name is Marcus Goss, yet I'd  like to be referred to as Markiss. Currently I am a senior, majoring in new media production with a concentration in Audio Production. I've been attending The University of Tampa for almost 2 1/2 years. I'm single, no kids, a motorcyclist, house owner, and car enthusiast. Prior to being accepted to The University of Tampa, I was active duty stationed at Macdill, AFB. I served eight incredible years in our United States Air Force, as Special Forces Operator. A little more about me outside of school..... I make , produce, and engineer music. I'm very artistic and influenced by anything. I take expression and turn it into music. I have a passion for still photography, fashion, good eats, arts, and more. Most of my time outside of school is consumed to making strides in the music industry. Working on multiple projects, I'm currently working on my latest project titled "Colors 3!", which is set to feature a lot of a