(2D)Pacman Grid Art (Marcus G)
For my Grid Art project I took a different approach. I wanted to capture multiple elements of art in one project, thus I incorporated different aspects of art. I thought to myself, what will capture the visual aesthetics of other humans and their artistic vision. From U]T, to my house (all over), to the backyard, to the beach, in my room, I used the traditional grid of a cardboard box. Made with glitter.
(This is the actual picture that inspired the art)
My grid art project was inspired by my love for retro video games. I've always enjoyed older games like Pacman, Mariokart, Megaman, and more. So with this project I decided to change the elements and leave people in ahh. As appose to constructing a piece via grid (insertables) I chose to go a different. For my project I used a traditional grid from a bedframe box.. Yes I know, not average. However, the (box) bedframe was the base of my project. Incorporated in the piece you can see that Q-tips, Blue Electric Tape, Glue, Super Glue, Confetti, White out, and hand drawn pacman ghost cutouts!! The ghost on the project are actually not sitting on top of the cardboard, but the are elevated by a piece of the many pizza boxes I indulged in while creating this masterpiece.
Initially, When the grid art project was mentioned, I first was confused and had no idea of what I wanted to create. When I started looking at stores for a pre-existing grid, I remembered construction. Simple and easy to use I made the base of the project in approximately 2 days. (Easy part complete right)
Well...... There's more. The ghost from the actual games. I constructed those out of the pizza boxes mentioned. The ghost were constructed with well over 900 pieces of glitter. They shimmer they give the project life, and vibrance,
Here are some pictures of my grid art:
(So it begins................ trust the process!)
(The Cardboard displayed here, layered with 2 different sheets of art paper)

(what's it look like.... Pacman Ghost or Nah?)
(the ghost after a cosmetic makeover lol.... not to mention the paint water and glue... and the jalapeno in the corner!)
(What was the box to a bed frame and the aftermath of over 2 1/2 weeks of work)

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