B2( Raul Cuero)

In regards to Raul, creativity and creative thinking comes from the mind. Raul was a very self oriented person as he grew up sleeping on the floor. He maintained his composure despite the parasites, roaches, and etc. and fell in love with reading. Being exposed to all of this, on top of his parents inability to read and write affected him mentally. Kind of self kept, he pursued and education. Raul was very smart, he participated on the basketball team, and influenced many inventions.

Raul graduated as and became a scientist (biologist). He is responsible for ways in which to clean oil spills, how to do away with mold, fungus, and grime.

Later in his journey Raul Cuero wrote a book to explain the trails and tribulations of his life growing up. He inspired others to pursue there dreams and ultimately proved to himself and his family that anything is possible. Sheer determination granted him a degree and he was doing what he loved.


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