Rotoscope Project

For this project I took a non-traditional route. I decided to do my Rotoscope with intentions of capturing the visual aesthetics of the eyes. I decided to work on a family project for my younger nephew. The actual footage is him simply dancing while out for a night of bowling. He's a star in the making, a energy burst, and a lovable little fellow. Of course I decided to use vibrant colors in conjunction with black and white to add some "flash" some life to the actual short animation. The colors represent emotion, feeling, and more essentially being expressed throughout the animation.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Roto-scoping is one of my favorite things to do. Despite it being very tedious and attentive, it helps the overall completion of the project. With not to much to consider or mess up on, re-creating an image in your own view is always phenomenal.


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