Project 2 Proposal

For this particular project, I’m going to do something similar to the concept of what I did for my first project. I intend to project some videos of sunset scenery onto the black curtain canvas/ wall canvas, to give it a skyline type theme. The purpose of this is to show people the different aspects of life, in relations to the phrase "Good Kid, Mad City"/ however my twist will be "Big Kid, Small City." The reason I want to make this an important message to the communities, is to remind people , that society shouldn't dictate who you want to be or who you are. I think it would be interesting, more so fun to do because it enlightens, informs, and encourages, those who lack the social confidence or inspiration to do what they aspire to do in life. It's more so a meditative thing and approach. (More so seclusion or isolation) *Not Me*

 Me doing this project  brings  attention to the norm of society that people overlook, yet also brings hope and joy to those who are less social, who are shy of people, who have internal struggles that are never expressed, due to hurt and other factors.  I want to portray with the idea of a city-scape, displaying the goods, the bads, high's, low's, and medians. All the while my intention is to show others how we think incoherently about some things, contrary to belief.  I'd like people to think about life without any distractions as one solid universe. They say the energy you put out into the universe is what you get in return. Live, Love, Life.

Materials list
  • Art Canvas
  • Projector
  • Skyline Videos
  •  skyline constructions

  • 9/29 have videos taken
  • 10/6 Projector Practice
  • 10/12 Video, Audio, Visual Edits
  • 10/19 project due


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