Artist Research (Mel Chin)

*Chin.SEA to SEEv13sm

Picking one installation by this artist, I had to go with the “Sea to See." This particular piece intrigued and grabbed my attention because it dealt with the underworld life of water. The worked focused on oceans which was the median of connection for the installation. It was amazing to see how the artist created an environment of an aquarium more so, the depth's of the oceans. For me a was a refreshing piece, that was simple, that gave a cinematic feel of being underwater.
Interestingly, the art itself has substantial meaning and purpose. The collaborative efforts of Chin and others focus, was to present ocean transformation of 100 years plus. Initially, i had no clue as for what, but apparently the purpose is t convey the impact of human constructions (IE: canals, bridges, pass-ways) and there effects on the ecology of the oceans. Digitized data visualization were incorporated as well. Real facts. The ability to create a visually pleasing and soothing environment was cool to me and the facts for why the installation was constructed was even better. I was very impressed and rather inspired.
** I was unable to locate an relevant interview or his artist statement**
But his bio did include that he was born originally in Houston, Texas in 1951. Typically, his works include a lot of multi-disciplinary and teamwork collaboration, combining multi-cultural aesthetics and complex ideas.
*Chin.SEA to SEEv8sm


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