Final Project

For this project, going beyond the means and thinking completely outside of the box, was a given. I thought to myself, how can I, as an artist integrate and embellish and element of real life. Well for one, I thought to one of my strengths in music. Awww yesss. That’s it! From there I center the focal point of my project around true artistry.
Multiple reasons go into why I made this specific project. The project to me represents a state of mind where I am at, in the foreseeable future. I want to give off the persona of a poet, incorporating the art of a music artist, displaying his talent in front of fans (crowd.) For this project, my ideal mindset going into it, is to keep people in suspense as to what is going. Sitting down and or pacing around, I will gather the courage and recite a life story of mine.
Complimented by a musical piece that I create, I will rhythmically recite a short-spoken word, rather minuet song. The song itself or poem itself means a lot to me, because it’s something I’ve grown to recognize and since reflect on. Ultimately, the sole purpose is to convey what I’ve been stressing all semester in “living free.” The whole perception is to look at me (poet/rapper) as another casual individual.
Despite the stature of my artistic abilities, the exquisite word play, meaning, and delivery of the poem/song should either 1) influence people positively. Or 2) given meaningless inspiration to exceed in what you aspire to be. Selfless expression!


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